


PSU-LV的教职员工参加了谁的业务是艺术? 经济公共论坛, 由利哈伊谷艺术委员会于9月11日主办的艺术与社区. 8. PSU-LV艺术管理学院的学生担任了圆桌讨论的记录员,以捕捉圆桌周围讨论点的亮点.从左到右:Kyle McCoach, arts administration senior; Elise Schaffer, arts administration junior; Ann Lalik, gallery director and arts coordinator at PSU-LV; Keynote speaker  院长Rodenbough, vice president of external affairs at Hallmark Cards; Liz Flaherty, honors program coordinator and coordinator of arts administration at PSU-LV; Liz Keptner, director of the Multimedia Innovation Center at PSU-LV; Ron De Long, instructor in fine art at PSU-LV; Corianne Thompson, PSU-LV的教务协调员兼陶瓷讲师