scenic overview of city in 墨西哥

Lehigh Valley students took their education to Europe and 墨西哥

Students had valuable educational and cultural experiences over spring break, returning home with a newly-enhanced global perspective on public health, intercultural communications, and manufacturing.
By: Dennille Schuler
About 40 students did short-term study abroad programs over spring break.

中国博彩平台(PSU-LV),全球经历被视为大学生旅程的重要组成部分。. 本月早些时候,大约40名PSU-LV学生在春假期间进行了全球教育体验. Along with their professors and instructors, 这些学生在短期海外学习项目中看到了世界的新地方,扩大了他们对课程材料的学习和理解.

Exploring health and health care systems in 丹麦

Sixteen PSU-LV students traveled to 丹麦 from Feb. 28 to March 11 to explore health and health care systems. 这个短期出国留学项目由生物行为健康(BBH)和健康政策与管理(HPA)学位项目提供. 萨曼莎毕比, coordinator of BBH at PSU-LV and 安妮塔Yuskauskas, coordinator of HPA at PSU-LV, 带领旅程.


First-year HPA student 杰梅因·琼斯 stood in the courtyard at Frederiksborg Castle, a royal residence in Hillerød, 丹麦 during a short-term study abroad program over spring break 2018.

Credit: 杰梅因·琼斯

They visited local health care sites including Dementia Village in Svenborg, and the Maersk Building at the University of Copenhagen, and had a personal presentation by the Director of 丹麦's Medical Association. A university of Lilleblatt trip was cancelled due to snow. Students also toured various locations including the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art where they saw Picasso's ceramic exhibit; a canal boat tour and coastal train ride to North Zealand to visit Kornberg’s and Frederiksborgs Castles; toured Christiania Village; and took a day trip to Malmo, 瑞典.

“We got to visit a dementia village in 丹麦, along with the University College. We also visited the Danish Medical Association and learned about their policies and customs,” said 杰梅因·琼斯, a first-year HPA student at PSU-LV.

For adult PSU-LV student, Trisha Mukherjee, the trip was inspiring and life changing. Mukherjee is a junior currently choosing between HPA or BBH as her major.

“对我个人来说,这次旅行的亮点是参加丹麦医学协会主席的演讲, Andreas Rudkobing, who is the youngest president of the association to ever be elected. It was very inspiring listen to him talk about the Danish health care system.  He drove home concepts such as shortened hospital stays, less oversight and money spent on regulation, ‘free’ health care for all which is paid for through their tax dollars,” said Mukherjee. “由于这次经历,我受到了启发,要在比较卫生系统方面进行进一步的研究,并形成了将来进行独立研究的想法.”

young woman posing in front of traditional buildings in 丹麦

PSU-LV大三学生Trisha Mukherjee说,她在丹麦之旅中受到启发,进一步研究比较卫生系统.

Credit: Trisha Mukherjee

The students were exposed to different cultural and social norms. Students observed how active the Danish people are, 以及他们的基础设施如何支持健康行为,包括骑自行车和步行.

“这次旅行对我们所有人来说都是一个很好的机会,我认为我们都获得了一些非常难忘的经历,这些经历将伴随我们一生!” said Mukherjee.

Examining intercultural communication in 荷兰

8名PSU-LV学生于3月3日至10日前往荷兰考察跨文化交际(CAS471)。. This short-term study abroad program was coordinated by 得Hudak, assistant professor of corporate communication at PSU-LV, 还有莉兹·凯普纳, director of the Multimedia Innovation Center at PSU-LV.

Group of students in front of castle in Amsterdam

Students visited Utrecht, The Hague 和阿姆斯特丹 during their short-term study abroad program to 荷兰. 

Credit: 莉斯Keptner

Students visited Utrecht, The Hague 和阿姆斯特丹. They experienced the culture and tasted authentic cuisine, 同时花时间采访乌得勒支大学和阿姆斯特丹大学的学生,了解荷兰文化. Students are now editing mini-documentaries from their trip.

bridge in the netherlands

2018年春假期间,PSU-LV学生Paula Pintor在荷兰的一座桥上拍了一张照片.

Credit: Paula Pintor

Paula Pintor, senior corporate communication major at PSU-LV, enjoyed her time in the very different settings of Utrecht, which was mostly farmland and featured windmills, 和阿姆斯特丹, which was modernized and full of museums.

“I learned the Dutch culture isn't prideful... They tend to only show pride on King's Day, which is a day to celebrate the King, and on days when the national soccer team plays a match! 这次旅行中我最喜欢的部分是认识了乌得勒支大学和阿姆斯特丹大学的一些荷兰学生. I also enjoyed spending time with my teachers and classmates outside of the school setting. It was fun exploring all 荷兰 had to offer with them. 在我的旅途中, I made some connections with some of the students, and now I have a place to visit with people to catch up with,品特说.

Visual studies in 伦敦 和巴黎

Nine PSU-LV Honors students traveled to 伦敦, England from March 2 to 4, 和巴黎, 作为视觉研究导论(Art10H)的一部分,旨在促进对文化和情境影响在艺术家发展过程中可能起到的重要作用的更好理解。. This short-term study abroad program was coordinated by Elizabeth Flaherty, assistant teaching professor of art history, honors coordinator and arts administrations program coordinator at PSU-LV, and 托德Retzlaff, assistant professor of mathematics at PSU-LV.

Students in front of the Arc De Triomphe in Paris


Credit: Elizabeth Flaherty

Students visited Stonehenge, 伦敦眼, 埃菲尔铁塔, the Arc De Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Musee d’Orsay, among other famous sites.

“我觉得我和世界的联系更紧密了,我比以前更爱这个世界,因为世界上有这么多美丽的东西. Besides, I am an international student. Before this trip, I never lived with American students and spent the whole day with them. 这次旅行也帮助我更多地了解美国文化,并帮助我更好地适应中国博彩平台的社区,” said Leo Haoquan Liang, a first-year computer science major and Honors student at PSU-LV. “我最喜欢的部分是当我登上埃菲尔铁塔的二楼时,我被深深地打动了. It was one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen in my whole life. Paris is a golden and beautiful city in the night and I love it so much.”

Young man taking a selfie on 伦敦眼

Leo Haoquan Liang, first-year honors student at PSU-LV, took a selfie while riding 伦敦眼 during spring break 2018.

Credit: Leo Haoquan Liang

“Now that we have returned, 学生将利用他们新发现的知识在一个研究项目,这将不仅解决重要的艺术历史中国博彩平台, 同时还会有一个演讲,要求学生反思他们在国外的经历,并讨论这些经历对他们作为学习者和个人的影响,弗莱厄蒂说.

墨西哥: A case study in Guanajauto’s manufacturing and culture

Eight PSU-LV and other Penn State students, traveled together to 瓜, 墨西哥 from March 3 to 10 to immerse themselves in Mexican culture and explore manufacturing. This short-term study abroad program was coordinated by Maung 最小值, PSU-LV商业项目主任和瓜纳华托大学的Ingrid Barradas Bribiesca.

In 2017, PSU大学学院与瓜纳华托大学签署了一份谅解备忘录,其中包括为学生提供短期项目的便利. PSU-LV serves as the primary liaison between Penn State and UG for embedded study abroad trips.

“This trip was the beginning of our relationship. We hope to take students to 瓜 annually,” said 最小值.

Students attended joint sessions with UG; toured Colonial 瓜; toured a global auto supplier, and a small and medium size manufacturing facility; were exposed to NAFTA import/export; toured “Ruta de la independencia” and more.

man in wheelchair near logo statue in 墨西哥


Credit: 肯尼斯·Keitt

肯尼斯·Keitt, a junior business administration major at PSU-LV, gained a better understanding of different economies and how entrepreneurship benefits regions.

“我们的每一天都经过精心安排,以获得教育和真正的墨西哥文化的完美结合. 八名PSU学生自然地融合在一起,创造了一生难忘的经历. 最小值 worked very closely with other Mexican faculty to structure tours at Continental, women owned cooperative and other local successful small business. The best part was collaborating with the University of 瓜. 中国博彩平台的学生被要求用西班牙语和英语与一群学生交谈. 这个任务迫使我们走出自己的舒适区,尝试说西班牙语,”凯特说.

“我们能够与瓜纳华托大学(UG)的员工分享PSU-LV最先进的教学技术。,” said 安娜塞拉诺, lecturer in Spanish at PSU-LV.

Group of students with PSU-LV banner in 墨西哥

This spring break eight PSU-LV and other Penn State students, traveled together to 瓜, 墨西哥 as part of a short-term study abroad program.In 2017, PSU大学学院与瓜纳华托大学签署了一份谅解备忘录,其中包括为学生提供短期项目的便利. PSU-LV serves as the primary liaison between Penn State and UG for embedded study abroad trips.

图片来源:Maung K. 最小值

The joint sessions with local UG students were PSU-LV Sophomore John Hodges favorite part.

“这次旅行最好的部分是与我们小组同龄的学生互动. 能够发现我们的文化差异和相似之处是使这次旅行从伟大变成壮观的事情. After having such enlightening conversations, I am now able to better understand a new culture as well as my own culture,霍奇斯说。.