Students and employers network during Career Expo & 网络事件

Penn State’s fifth annual Eastern Region Career Expo & 网络事件 takes place at Penn State Lehigh Valley’s campus
Student interacting at career fair

Students and employers mingle during Penn State's fifth annual Eastern Region Career Expo hosted by Penn State Lehigh Valley.

Credit: 玛丽Harvilla

Penn State's fifth annual Eastern Region Career Expo & 网络事件 took place at Penn State Lehigh Valley’s campus on Oct 17.

The annual Eastern Region Career Expo & 网络事件 is a collaborative event that is co-hosted by Penn State’s five eastern region campuses: Lehigh Valley, 黑泽尔顿, 斯古吉尔河, Wilkes-Barre and Worthington Scranton.

About 200 students from the eastern region campuses attended the annual event, which began with a brief lecture called “The Art of Networking”, in which Career Services provided students with advice on how to effectively network with employers. 讲座结束后, students were able to use that knowledge at the Networking Mocktail, where they had the opportunity to network with employers and get to know one another.

“The annual Career Expo & 网络事件 provides students with a chance to converse with employers in a personal setting," said Penn State Lehigh Valley student 肯尼斯·Keitt. "It also provides great experience for interviewing and networking outside of school.” 

The day ended with the Career Expo, where students and employers were able to make connections and acquire internship and job openings. There were more than 40 companies that took part in Penn State’s fifth annual Eastern Region Career Expo & 网络事件, making for a great opportunity for students.

Penn State Eastern Region Career Expo & 网络事件

About 200 students from the eastern region campuses attended Penn State’s fifth annual Eastern Region Career Expo & 网络事件 at Penn State Lehigh Valley’s campus in 中心谷 on Oct. 17.

Credit: Penn State Lehigh Valley Multimedia Innovation Center

“We were very excited to have 44 companies present. Some notable companies included Lutron, St. 路加福音’s, ArtsQuest, 奥林匹斯山, PPL and more. Fastenal was one of the new organizations that we welcomed to the Expo, and we will be hosting an information session Oct. 24 for students highlighting their internship opportunities in business, marketing and supply chain,” said Penn State Lehigh Valley’s Career Services Coordinator 杰西卡陶氏.

For more information on the event, contact 克里斯Landino, director of academic advising and career services at Penn State Lehigh Valley, 电话:610-285-5236或 (电子邮件保护).